In 2016, a jury returned a verdict for our client for $1.5 million for emotional harm. The jury found that the Illinois Department of Transportation discriminated against our client for being a Muslim. Our client also received approximately $1 million in back wages, pension, overtime and so forth. Also, he was reinstated to his former job. He will receive approximately $1 million in future wages and benefits.
The case was reported in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. Attached below.
December 2015 - a federal jury compensated our client with $2.4 million. We sued the defendant for same sex harassment, racial harassment and retaliation. Our client had no medical bills or expenses. Rather, the jury’s verdict related only to emotional harm and punitive damages. One of the jurors was a psychologist. One was a college president and one was a former school administrator.
Aside from emotional harm, the remaining issue of damages relates to our client’s lost wages. The federal judge will decide this issue.
Our case was reported in the online version of the Chicago Sun-Times, front page of the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, the Sunday edition of the Daily Herald and other publications.
July 2014 - a federal jury returned a verdict for $540,00 in favor of ourclient, a Chicago police officer, who sued asergeant in the Chicago Police Department. Our client was a GermanJew born and raised in West Germany. Our client's supervisor wouldrepeatedly harass our client. The Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Daily LawBulletin and all reported the case.
April 2006 - we completed a sexual harassment lawsuit against a
major corporation. The settlement amount for our client is
undisclosed. The lawsuit was aired throughout the day by